
High-purity Tungstic Acid

High-purity tungstic acid is a new chemical material with a wide range of application prospects, which may be prepared by a new process of dissociation – slurrying - acid decomposition, with purity higher than 99.99% and average particle size of 0.61μm. The process is stable and easy to operate with high transformation rate.high-purity tungstic acid picture
Tungstic acid may be produced by acid decomposition scheelite concentrate method, ammonium paratungstate method, artificial scheelite method, ammonium paratungstate sodium method, and the method of acid decomposition tungstate sodium after alkali leaching of tungsten concentrate. However, at present, these methods are not directly applied for producing tungstic acid in powder metallurgy as the solubility of these tungsten salts and concentrates is small, the two-phase decomposition reaction is difficult to fully proceed under normal conditions, and the purity and physicochemical properties of the obtained tungstic acid are not all the same.

Therefore, the new producing method was found to meet the requirements of some special tungsten products and tungsten alloys such as tungsten lead wire for large-scale integrated circuits and high-purity tungsten powder for electronic devices.

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